寂 Sabi – Weaving of the Contemporary Body

Tainan Public Library, Tainan City, Taiwan
2024/7/28(sun) and other weekends

Akio Suzuki and Hiromi Miyakita join the Taiwan-Japan Inclusive Arts Promotion Project.

圖書館的聲音是寂靜的 The sound of the library is silent
文學是編織著思考的無聲喧嘩 Literature is the white noise woven with thinking
在閱讀當中交換生命的體會 Exchange life experiences while reading
身體舞蹈著聲波 The body dances with sound waves
肢體描繪著想像 Body depicts imagination
在知識的海邊、孤寂的當下 On the seaside of knowledge, present of solitary
淨白的石頭輕響藝術的靈光 The pure white stones ring the aura of art
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