Akio Suzuki on European tour with Aki Onda

June 9      Madrid, Spain at La Casa Encendida (Solo Performance)
June 11      London, U.K. at Cafe Oto (Duo performances with Aki Onda)
June 13      Basel, Switzerland, LISTE Art Fair Basel (Duo performances with Aki Onda)
June 15 & 16      Porto, Portugal at Serralves Museum (Duo performances with David Maranha)
June 27 – 30      Brussels, Belgium Tuned City (“oto-date” )
June 30            site-specific performance with Aki Onda 4pm – 7pm
                        (location: Black BuddaH, address: Digue Du canal Vaartdijk 98A), Brussels, Belgium
July 2      Milano, Italy at O’ (Duo performances with Aki Onda)
July 4      Torino, Italy at E/Static (Duo performances with Aki Onda)
July 7      Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France Festival Grand E’cart (Solo Performance)

ゴームリーと佇む 『点音(おとだて)』」

講  師:鈴木 昭男氏(サウンド・アーティスト)
日  時:12月16日(日) ※2回開催。各回とも同一の内容です。
     <1回目>10:30-12:00   <2回目>13:30-15:00
会  場:神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山